
ILPS Europe Working Committee Solidarity Statement on Turkish Political Prisoners

We, members of the ILPS Europe Working Committee, express our solidarity with the detained lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, the imprisoned members of Grup Yorum and all the political prisoners in Turkey.

The continuing repression in Turkey against critics of the Erdogan regime seems to be the only option thought of by the Turkish state. It has conducted raids on centers and private residences and arrests based on the testimonies of coerced state witnesses and has banned organizations and gatherings. There is worsening and continuing denial of justice to political prisoners who are in pursuit of their legitimate demands for freedom.

Human rights abuses are escalating but the people of Turkey do not take this in silence. Continuing militant actions ranging from mass protests to death fasts while in prison persist to show opposition and dissent against the impunity of the Erdogan government.

The ILPS Europe Working Committee condoles with the family, friends and organization of the latest martyred victims of this injustice – Helin Bölek, Mustafa Koçak and İbrahim Gökçek. Their deaths are marked by their indomitable conviction to carry on the cause of justice, freedom and solidarity. We remember and salute Turkish and Kurdish revolutionaries Haki Karer, Ferhat Kurtay, Deniz Gezmiş and Ibrahim Kaypakkaya and other comrades who were also martyred in the month of May. The lives they lived are shining examples of the unyielding stand against the system of oppression and exploitation. Their legacy will live in the hearts of the working people and the world.

Long live the legacy of Helin Bölek, Mustafa Koçak and İbrahim Gökçek!
Freedom to Grup Yorum!
Freedom to people’s lawyers!
Freedom to all political prisoners!
Stop criminalizing dissent!
Long live international solidarity!

Reference: ILPS Europe Working Committee (ilpseuropeoc@gmail.com)

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