
Number of political prisoners will grow, only our unity can free them. Results of the symposium workshop

Results of the political prisoners workshop on the International Anti-imperialist symposium, that was held in Berlin.

Imperialism and capitalism are entering again in a new structural crisis. We learned from the previous ones that it will lead to more exploitation, more oppression and more wars.

The need to resist and smash imperialism is vital and more urgent than ever. The hope of the people is into resistance.

We also learned from the past crisis that the repression toward those who resist against imperialism and fascism will increase.

Against the peoples who resist, it will be NATO aggression. In countries ruled by governments allied to imperialism, it will be political repression including the use of so-called anti-terrorism laws.

This will result in the increase of the already huge numbers of political prisoners. So it has to be the international solidarity to free them.

Our prisoners are our honor. Our prisoners fought for justice, freedom and humanity. Imperialism is now making them pay their resistance taking away their freedom, their rights. They try to break ideologically our prisoners with solitary confinement, torture, denying them basic rights. They try to destroy physically our prisoners by denying them access to medical treatments.

We will always stand by our prisoners and fight for their release until victory. To free our prisoners, our objectives have to be, as always, exactly the opposite of the objectives of our deadly enemy, imperialism.

Imperialism wants to silent our prisoners, we have to be their voice.

Imperialism wants to prevent them to do actions, we have to be their arms in our streets.

Imperialism wants to convert them into examples of repression to prevent the people to follow their path; we need to make them symbol of resistance.

Imperialism wants to isolate them, we have to spread solidarity.

To free our prisoners, all political prisoners committees of solidarity in the world have to unite.

In order to achieve it, first we need to make a state of play of the situation in each country. We need to know our similarities and differences.

How many political prisoners are in each country, conditions in jail, the repression inside the jail, the resistance of the prisoners, health conditions,  withe torture like isolation; black torture like suffered Ayten Özturk who participated in our panel or like Palestinians prisoners suffers every day, on what legal basis are to condemn our prisoners, etc.

We need to know how solidarity committee resist in all the world . We need to analyze the victories to repeat them and the mistakes to learn from them.

In every country, we must support our prisoners, and we must increase the balance of power with every state in order to free our prisoners. To achieve this, we propose to focus all our forces on a particular state. Then we’ll all do the same for political prisoners in another state. And we’ll continue to put pressure, in a rotation to be determined together, on every state that locks up revolutionaries.

We know that the time of the solidarity committees is precious, and that they already have many actions to carry out. But we are convinced that if a state is confronted on the same day with concentrations in front of its embassies in many countries, this will have a decisive effect on our struggles.

Here is an example. If we decide to have one month solidarity with Irish prisoners, all committees that decide to participate can:

  • make a campaign to his contacts to send the maximum of e-mails and letters (model will be written by the Irish comrades) to targeted institutions and politics.
  • make a campaign to write to the Irish prisoners.
  • give the address of the Irish prisoners to the prisoners of their own state so the prisoners can correspond by letters.
  • one online panel can be organized so the Irish comrades in the solidarity committee can inform others committees and participants around the world of the current situation in the state.
  • at the same day, comrades from all the participants country can gather in form of British embassy or another place chosen by the Irish comrades. The number of participants is not the most important, it is the scope of the action and its coordination that can put pressure on a state.
  • and many other actions that can be determined together.

For the participants of the workshop in Anti-Imperialist Front, two very urgent situations require actions now.

  • To protest again the detention of three revolutionaries in Germany, Eda Deniz Haydaroğlu started a hunger strike the 18 of march 2023. At the time of the symposium, she was at her 233rd day of hunger strike. It is urgent to act, not only to save the prisoner Ihsan Cibelik, a musician that has been diagnosed with cancer and doesn’t receive proper medical care, to free the journalist Ozgul Emre or the student Serkan Küpeli, we need to act now to save the life of Eda. For that reasons, the participants have proposed to start the rotation of actions with Germany.
  • It will also enable all our prisoners to resist together in the same day in a common action. Finally, it will show to the world that even in prison, resistance is still possible and necessary. The call is below.

Call to all political prisoners of the world to participate in a one day hunger strike  in defense of Palestinian prisoners the Friday 24-11-23

On the 27th of October, 20 political prisoners from multiple prisons in the Basque Country went on a one-day hunger strike in solidarity with the Palestinian people and against the genocidal aggression by the Zionist occupation, and in absolute support for the right and need of the Palestinian people to resist. We salute these strugglers for their unwavering commitment to the just Palestinian struggle and their internationalist principles.

Our Basque comrades know that Zionism is a western imperialist project and that defeating Zionism is defeating the same imperialist oppression that they fought and sacrificed their freedom for in their own country. They also know that the Palestinian resistance is the resistance of the oppressed peoples in the world, and that the liberation of Palestine is the liberation of all the peoples and  a destructive blow to all imperialist forces worldwide.

Two weeks after their hunger strike, and one month since the beginning of the Zionist aggression, the violence of the occupation with the support of NATO countries and the EU has reached an unprecedented level, with almost 10,000 martyrs in Gaza, who are bombed with an explosive power over the past month that matches the destructive power of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima, with Gaza being three times smaller.

With this genocide taking place under the eyes of the international community, the occupation is pouring its fascist tendencies on the Palestinian prisoners behind the scenes. It is clear, even in the declarations of its officials, that this is an expression of claiming vengeance for their defeat on the 7th of October.

During the past month, the number of Palestinian prisoners has almost doubled, reaching about 10.000, with more than 1000 of them being on administrative detention – which is imprisonment without charge or trial. More than 170 of them are children.

The occupation’s military took over the prison administration with electricity being completely cut off, water available only one hour a day, food portions decreasing to a point where the prisoners have to fast. The personal belongings of the prisoners are getting confiscated like clothes, books, and cooking materials. They are denied access to TV or radio or visits, isolating them completely from the world.

The beatings and tortures became a daily practice, with multiple sections of the prisons being drenched in blood with no cleaning materials provided to remove the stench. During the past month, two Palestinian prisoners were tortured to death raising the number of martyrs in the Palestinian prisoners’ movement to 238. Today, the Palestinian prisoners are subjected to the full blunt of zionist murderous and genocidal tendencies.

Therefore, and following on the footsteps of our comrades in the Basque Country, we call on all political prisoners worldwide to participate on a one day hunger strike on Friday 24.11.2023, and call on all prisoners solidarity organization to support the hunger strikers, spread the word, and join us in defending the Palestinian prisoners movement who are standing strong in the name of all oppressed people of the world while being subjected to the full force of zionist and imperialist fascism.

This action will bring the eyes of all to their unhuman conditions of detention. It will enable all our prisoners to resist together in the same day in a common action. It will show to the world that even in prison, resistance is still possible and necessary.

Defeating zionism is defeating imperialism and fascism

Defending Palestinian resistance is defending all oppressed people of the world

To defend political prisoners is to defend humanity

Long live international solidarity

We ask the lawyers and family members of political prisoners who intend to participate in the hunger strike to reach out to us so we can publish their participation publicly.

We also ask political prisoners solidarity organizations that endorse the call to contact us so their name could be added to the list of endorsers.

Following is the statement published by our comrades in the Basque Country on 27th October 2023:

Palestinian women and men have been suffering the violence caused by the zionist occupation for decades; forced to leave their homes and relocate, their cities and villages destroyed; imprisoned, tortured, raped, murdered….

We have proof of this genocidal policy carried out by this Zionist terrorist state, of the massacres and horrors in Gaza that the whole world has been able to see these days.

For all these reasons, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and declaring the legitimacy of the rights of defense of the oppressed peoples, the Basque political prisoners who signed this letter will carry out a day of fasting next Friday, October 27th.

Palestine forward!


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