As of today, on the 165th day of People’s Lawyer Aytaç Ünsal on the death fast and the 134th Day of People’s Lawyer Ebru Timtik, 20 bar associations made statements, the following demands were voiced in the statements, the lawyers of the people should be released and should be judged fairly, we want justice.
Let’s buıld up the solidarity for Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal and ensure that they live.
The names of the city bar associations who issued statements in solidarity with the lawyers of the people who are on the death fast are as follows;
- Antalya Bar Association
- Alanya Bar Association
- Ankara Bar Association
- Artvin Bar Association
- Aydın Bar Association
- Batman Bar Association
- Bursa Bar Association
- Denizli Bar Association
- Diyarbakır Bar Association
- Gaziantep Bar Association
- Hakkâri Bar Association
- İstanbul Bar Association
- İzmir Bar Association
- Mardin Bar Association
- Mersin Bar Association
- Tunceli Bar Association
- Urfa Bar Association
- Van Bar Association
- Yalova Bar Association