Anti-Imperialist Front participate in event at Workers Center Thessaloniki Greece, on 5th October, 2024 for Palestinian Resistance, political prisoners and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Event organised by Initiative for Revolutionary Solidarity for supporting Palestinian Resistance, George Ibrahim Abdallah and all political prisoners.
On event participate political prisoners from Greece with phonecall by prisons, metioned cases about revolutionary prisoners in Greece and also from all over the world such as the cases of Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier.
From Anti-Imperialist Front, participate as speaker Konstantina Kartsioti, who metioned about the importance of supporting the Palestinian Resistance with fighting against US-EU-NATO imperialism and Zionism. She metioned about the case of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the campaign for his liberation and the connection with the international solidarity. She announced the hunger strike that started against administrative detention, 2 of the revolutionary prisoners of People’s Front in Greece, Şadi Naci Özpolat and Ali Ercan Gökoğlu. Also about the documentary Fedayin for life and struggle for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah that screened after the panel discussion. At event participated 30 people.
Events will continue also at 6th of October on topic for organise revolutionary anti-imperialist stuggle.