On 14 December, a group of communists and anti-fascists gathered in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, for a collective screening of the film ‘F-Type Film’ made by the revolutionary music collective Grup Yorum.
The event was dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the military operation of the Turkish fascist oligarchy against revolutionary prisoners called “Return to Life”. During this operation, 28 political prisoners were killed, including 6 women who were burned alive in their cells.
The screening was preceded by a presentation on the military operation and the Great Death Fast Resistance that lasted in and out of prisons for 7 years, from 2000 to 2007. The resistance was a response to the introduction in Turkey of new F-type isolation prisons and the forcible transfer of revolutionary prisoners into them.
Documentary footage of the military operation was shown during the presentation.
Two members of Grup Yorum, Selma and Inan Altın, made a video for the event welcoming participants and talking about their film. Inan was the art director of ‘F-Type Film’ and Selma, in addition to being involved with the film as a whole, was also one of the actors.
At the end of the film, participants discussed the struggle of the Turkish comrades in the face of the relentless attacks on them by Turkish fascism and US imperialism. They also talked about the work of the communists in Belarus and their immediate tasks.
Watching films together and discussing them is an important part of the political work of the communists. The Belarusian comrades plan to continue this practice. This includes preparing translations of the second Grup Yorum film ‘Mahalle’ and a documentary film about the new S, R, Y type isolation prisons opened in Turkey.
Comrades from the Anti-Imperialist Front and the Belarusian Marxist Club “Common Cause” took part in the preparation of the event.