This year we are going to hold the 4th International Symposium Against Imperialist Aggression Dedicated to Eyup Bas in İstanbul, between 14-21 April 2013. We are organizing this symposium in order to create the unity of the revolutionary and democratic institutions and organizations against the policies of imperialism and to develop the methods of struggling against the imperialist aggression and we want to see you among us as well.
The imperialists, the primary and common enemies of the peoples of the world, are attacking as a united force with their NATO, UN and IMF in order to exploit the labour of the peoples, their culture, their aboveground and underground resources and to make more profits.
Imperialists are attacking. They are attacking against the workers, the lands of the peoples of the Middle East, they are attacking against their beliefs and wealth. They are usurping the gained rights of the working class in Europe. Imperialists are impoverishing the oppressed peoples of the world and corrupting them with their cultural bombardement. People are alienated from each other, they are devalued. European imperialism is creating a racism in order to destroy the spirit of internationalist solidarity. Imperialism is trying to force the resisting peoples and the Marxist-Leninist organizations into submission.
Imperialists are oppressing the intellectuals, artists, journalists and revolutionary democrats, censoring their works and covering up the reality.
The academic-democratic rights of the youth are taken back; the imperialists are trying to force the revolutionary democratic youth into submission. They are trying to alienate the youth from their peoples and rights by corrupting them.
There is an intense attack of oppression to make us surrender. Imperialists are trying to force the national and revolutionary organizations into an ideological submission by telling the lies like the age of socialism is over, the imperialism is invincible and imperialism can solve all kinds of problems.
In our symposium against the exploitation, oppression and confiscation of our rights, we want to bring together the experiences of the people who are resisting against imperialism. We wanto see you with us in order to unite our experiences and strength and to raise the banner of struggle against imperialism.
Symposium Schedule
It will be held in Cayan Neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey between 14 – 21 April 2013.
Symposium will start with the Independent Turkey Concert of Group Yorum that will be performed on April 14th and it will be completed with a demonstration in front of the US Embassy in Istanbul on 21st April.
Main Topics of Symposium
1- Imperialist Aggression and Anti-Imperialist Struggle
– The targets of imperialism with its attacks against Middle East Countries, Syria and Palestine and our duty.
– The ideological attacks against socialism and revolutionaries and our answer to these
– Imperialist oppression and censorship against imperialist and revolutionary-socialist press and the question of how we are going to overcome this.
– How are we going to answer the imperialist attack of lies and demagogy.
2- Imperialism is responsible from the economic crisis in the world. What should our attitude be in the face of the crisis?
– What are the causes of economic crisis in Greece, Spain and in other neo-colonized countries? What are duties of the peoples of the world in the face of these crises?
– Unemployment and the importance of unionist struggle against unemployment.
– Right violations and the struggle experiences, methods (Education, Health, Environment, Urban Transformation)
3- Prisons and the Policy of Isolation
– We should organize the solidarity among the political prisoners in the world.
– The experiences and lessons learned in the struggle against isolation.
– The tradition of political prisoners, prices paid and the traditions created by them.
– What is the prison policy of imperialism, how are going to resist in the prisons? (Israeli prisons, Guantanamo, Ebu Gureyb, the experiences of RAF, IRA, Basque, TAYAD and Cuban Five prisoners)
4- The struggle against the corrupt culture of imperialism
– The duty of forming an internationalist Art Front
– What are the duties and responsibilities of the authors, journalists, artists and intellectuals in the face of the attacks of imperialism and their collaborators against the peoples.
5- Youth Struggle and its organization against imperialism
– What are the duties of the youth against the imperialist attack of corruption?
– How can we unite the struggle for free education and academic-democratic rights?
Please get into touch with the organizers for further information about travel and accommodation.
Participants should inform the organizers beforehand about the topics of their speech.
You can set your own stands during the symposium and you can bring material to promote the struggle in your own country.
You can participate to the symposium as an audience member.