
Arrests! Torture!

You cannot force the fighters abandon their fair struggle, you cannot make them be silent!


The fascist AKP, especially after announcing the state of emergency, has increased the number of attacks on fighters, patriots and revolutionaries. There hasn’t been a day without any arrests, tortures and murders. With the announce of the state of emergency the AKP thought that everybody was silenced and accepted defeat. It dreamt of a Turkey that would be easily governed. It chose a specific road to do that. Politicians may get arrested, as well as lawyers and public servants, but the AKP’s fascism has faced a severe resistance. The resistance of Nuriyeh and Semih has broke the silence, has put fire on the repression. It broke the silence caused by the repression, the people started to come out to the streets again, they started resisting. In the beginning, the AKP saw that resistance as an individual protest and didn’t take it seriously but soon thousands of people were motivated. The Yuksel street has become the centre of the resistance, one that confronted the fascist AKP’s policies, one that shook its power and for that reason it became AKP’s target. Nuriyeh and Semih were arrested and tortured. But the repression grows the resistance. With the beginning of their hunger strike more people were motivated. As soon as AKP’s power was shook, it commanded the arrests of the two fighters. But neither of these arrests could finish th resistance. Nuriyeh and Semih continue their hunger strike.


The resistance of Yuksel street goes on every day. The AKP has tortured Nuriyeh’s and Semih’s lawyers, and then arrested them, too. And then it wouldn’t allow them to go to the court to defend Nuriyeh and Semih. The AKP violently took away Nuriyeh but Semih through his defence denounced AKP’s fascism.


The members of the People’s Front that defend Nuriyeh and Semih outside have faced torture, arrests and repression. By now, lawyers, artists and youngsters have become targets of the AKP. AKP is the enemy of the people. In October 4th, there was an attack against the People’s Front and tens of members were violently arrested. AKP’s fascism applies everything it learned by Hitler, Musolini and Franco. Arrests, tortures, threats and lies.. but all in vain! We say to fascist AKP that it can’t keep the fighters quiet through violence and arrests!


You can’t beat the millions of people. We as anti-imperialist front will be on the side of the People’s Front.


Longlive inernational solidarity!




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