
Anti-Imperialist Front Commemorate the Great Victory day of 9th May

The 9th of May is the day of the Great Antifascist Victory of the Peoples of the World. Is the day that the Soviet Union with Red Army entered in Berlin and liberate the peoples of the World from Nazis of german imperialism.

In many countries Anti-Imperialist Front participated in commemorations that held. In Belgium, Austria, Greece, Germany, Bulgaria. Hundreds of People gathered and also demonstrations are held. In Greecev demonstration held in front of US embassy. In Berlin in Treptower park police tried to banned the people who carried red flags with hammer sickle. In Sofia fascists try to sabotage the event. In Austria ahead of annual Mauthausen commemoration, the liberation from fascism was also celebrated on (7 May) at Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna, the square in front of the Soviet monument.

The commemoration was held on honor of the “Immortal Regiment” as the many pictures with antifascist fighters show. Hundreds of people joined and layed down flowers in front of the memorial. A Russian opera singer and other musicians sung popular Soviet resistance and liberation songs. Among some other communist and left groups, AIF also layed down red carnations and besides the portraits of fighters of the immortal regiment also a poster was carried of the brave, immortal Zoya who defeated fascism during Nazi occupation.

These day remind to the people of the world what is the difference of Socialism and Capitalism. Even the disinformation of imperialism that the are trying to write again the history we know very well that fascism break down from Red Army.

Imperialism after the victory spread disinformation all over the World, try to occupy the brain of the people. This stragedy still continue nowdays, with US-EU-NATO imperialists support openly the Nazis of Kiev regime in Ukraine.

Fighting against imperialism and fascism is not a crime is a duty!

Long Live 9th May!

Down with Imperialism! Down with Fascism!







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